Deadly Gippsland would like to announce that we are in support of the ‘Free the Flag’ movement and now have an appropriate alternative for sharing the Aboriginal flag on our website. We were working towards having flag representation and the Deadly Gippsland website and understood there were some barriers. Nova Peris Aboriginal Olympic Gold Medalist…

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Anniversary of National Apology Day

On 13 February 2008, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered the National Apology to Australia’s Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the injustices of past government policies, particularly to the Stolen Generations. Bringing them home report: 10 things you should know about the National Apology (NITV) article link: Deadly Gippsland would like to…

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World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day every 4 February is the global uniting initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). By raising worldwide awareness, improving education and catalysing personal, collective and government action, we’re working together to reimagine a world where millions of preventable cancer deaths are saved and access to life-saving cancer treatment and care is equal for all – no matter who…

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Jasmaine shoots and scores!

You may recognise Jasmaine from our interview with her during 2019, we had a yarn about her making the Seven Sister under 18s Vic Netball team for the State-wide Indigenous Netball competition in Gold Coast during January 2020. Check out the interview here: Turns out Jasmaine made a deadly impression on the Budgies Australian Netball…

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Congratulations to the Baw Baw Wrens Netball team for taking out the grand final in division 3 for the 2019 State wide VACSAL football/netball Carnival held in Ballarat. Baw Baw Wrens were undefeated in division 3 winning all 6 games to get into the finals. They had defeated Millewah Suns in a nail bitting finish…

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Deadly Gippsland Music

Deadly Gippsland caught up with Didgeridoo Artist and Gunditjmara Gunnai Yorta Yorta man Ray Thorpe-Young to film audio of him playing the didgeridoo to use for future videos as background music. We would like to thank Ray for partnering with us, make sure to keep an ear out for didgeridoo music in future videos from…

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National Aboriginal and TSI Children’s Day 2019

What is this day about? National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day is held on the 4th of August each year to celebrate the early years, and promoting the importance of early years education and care for our little Boorai (babies). It involves recognising the critical role that family, community, country and culture play…

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CSIRO Data 61 Research – Survey Invite

GippsTech is conducting design research for CSIRO – Data61 on the consent framework for the Consumer Data Right (CDR). We’d appreciate if you would participate in the survey and give us your feedback. You can do this by: 1) Filling out a pre-survey for potential participants:  2) If you’re not comfortable filling out the pre-survey,…

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