Pick My Project- Vote for Local Koorie Innititative …Well being Business Incubator in Far East Gippsland

Wellbeing business incubator in far east Gippsland Platform for locals to develop wellbeing businesses and projects. This is an Aboriginal led collaboration with wider community. It will establish an open collective of budding small wellbeing businesses and not for profit projects; encompassing environmental, creative arts, and healing. Enterprises will be able to access a local…

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East Gippsland Aboriginal Sports Conference – Save the Date!

Great opportunity to come along and have a yarn about what has worked well in East Gippsland in Sport and Recreation, what are the current gaps and what are some opportunities to over come these?! Strongly encourage the Aboriginal communities through East Gippsland to come along, those who have roles in Sporting Clubs – whether…

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Invitation for Cultural Celebration

Saturday 1st September @Knob Reserve 👣 come and join in the festivities of this special cultural celebration of caring for country. For more information or if you require transport call GLaWAC on 51525100.  

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Apply now for Aboriginal community infrastructure funding

Applications are now open for the Aboriginal Community Infrastructure Program ACIP is a grants program which enables Aboriginal organisations to build new community infrastructure to repair, refurbish or expand existing community infrastructure to meet the emerging needs of Aboriginal Victorians. Grants are given across three categories: repairs and minor works, feasibility studies/business cases and capital…

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Jnr Statewide VACSAL Football and Netball Carnival is back in Echuca! AGE GROUPS Football & Netball 17 and under (born 01/02) 15 and under (born 03/04/05) 12 and under (born 06/07/08/09) Auskick for 8 & unders. Please Note – participants are encouraged to play in their own age group for talent identification. Please click for…

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Boolarra Pony Club Indigenous Round

July 8th Boolarra Pony Club had it’s Indigenous Round. Even though kids couldn’t bring their horses, as it was washed out, we still had our celebration but indoors. We were lucky enough Boolarra Football Netball Club let us use their social clubrooms. The kids painted boomerangs and played lots of games and had a cleansing…

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